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Opening a Brand New Door

Dr. William Donald Kelley

Mid-March 2019 - Thanks to a free 15-minute consultation, I was able to speak on the phone with the naturopath that I had been referred to by Pamela McDougle. He carefully laid out what the Kelley Pancreatic Enzyme Protocol entailed and the associated costs. He also offered to find other ways to help me if I chose not to do the Kelley Protocol. By the end of the consultation, I reluctantly agreed to begin working with this naturopath on the Kelley Protocol. I say “reluctantly” not because I doubted the naturopath’s expertise or the potential success of the protocol, but because of the very extensive work that I knew would be involved and the high cost of the enzymes, supplements and dietary items required to do the program successfully. But given that I was Stage 4, I knew that the Kelley Protocol was my very best chance of turning my health around. So I took the plunge off the deep end into the pool!

Let me state very clearly that although I have chosen the so-called alternative path in treating my cancer, I would never criticize or denigrate anyone who chooses to go the conventional treatment route. Perhaps the most important component in healing is truly believing in and having confidence in the treatment protocols you choose. If you feel chemotherapy, surgery and radiation offer you the very best chance of eliminating your cancer, then that is the right path for you and will probably bring you ultimate success. Of course there are no guarantees in any treatment modality, but if we go with our gut and follow our intuition we usually make the right choices for ourselves.

After entering into a 6-month agreement to work with the naturopath, he sent me a manual that outlined exactly what I needed to do on the Kelley program. This agreement calls for weekly telephone consultations to discuss reactions and ask questions. While I’ll be the first to admit that I felt enormously overwhelmed by all that would be required of me, I truly appreciated that the guidelines were so specific in terms of supplements, diet, detox methods and the titration schedules for the enzymes and other supplements. It was very apparent to me from the get-go that I would be doing things that no doctor (conventional or holistic) had instructed me to do before. Everything had to be done or consumed at specific times of the day. No health professional prior to this point had ever informed me that I needed to take a break from the pancreatic enzymes at specific times to clear out the dead cancer cells and other cellular debris!! That is an extremely important point!! I had to have three specific tests done up front to get a baseline for my current nutrient status as well as a cancer profile test. He informed me that follow-up testing would then be done after six months to see where things stood.

While there are many detox protocols listed in the manual I was sent, the two major ones are coffee enemas and near-infrared saunas. Much to my chagrin, I found out that I had been doing coffee enemas incorrectly while at the integrative cancer clinic in Arizona (actually, very little real guidance was given on the correct way to do a coffee enema there). You need to use the right kind of coffee (it’s not the same kind that you drink), the right enema equipment, as well as the correct length of time and position in which to retain the enema. As Rodney Stamps so humorously put it in his book 90 Days to Live: “The best part of waking up, is coffee up your butt!” Liver and Gallbladder Cleanses and a Colon Cleanser Protocol are also done at specific points to help remove additional toxins from the body.

A very important part of the protocol is the use of the Near-Infrared Sauna. I was able to find a complete set-up online at a very reasonable price (for those of you—-like me—on a tight budget) that came with free shipping and requires NO tools for setup. I was able to set it up in a corner of my bedroom since it is only 2’ x 4”. Like everything else on this program, you start out slowly and gradually increase the length of time spent in the sauna. Be prepared to sweat buckets, as toxins and heavy metals pour out of the body!!!

The dietary guidelines for this protocol are, of course, quite specific and rather surprising. After having it drilled into my head over and over and over that a raw food vegan diet was the only way to go when diagnosed with cancer, I was pleasantly surprised to be told that nothing was to be raw! Everything was to be cooked except for some particular fermented foods. Carbohydrates are severely limited (except for unlimited organic vegetables and some organic berries), protein (only particular types are allowed) is also restricted to specific portions each day or week while healthy fats are heavily favored (and, NO, this is NOT the Keto Diet.). While many of the supplements required for the program are only available through the naturopath’s dispensary because they are professional-grade products, I plan to share with you in a future post those products that are readily available for purchase and which have helped me a great deal in my recovery process. I’ll also recommend some wonderful books that have informed and guided me on my healing path. Should you choose to purchase any of these products, I will receive a small commission from the sale and I thank you for that.

It is my intent to offer an ebook (hopefully in the not-too-distant future) that will outline the specific steps I took while doing the Kelley Protocol and my experiences with it!